Narcissism in Parents

A delightful person found my blog today! Dr. Perry, Ph.D. from MakeITUltra liked some of my 30 Day Challenge posts (I know, I’m behind. Fatigue and pain have been kicking my butt). I wanted to share one of his blog posts on narcissism (the personality disorder) and how that presents its self in the dynamic between parent and child. It’s worth the read and explains things in a simple to understand and relate to language. You can find his post here. I’m not a professional in the mental health field, though I wish I had the money become a Ph.D. in Psychology. I speak as a child who grew up with (what I suspect) are mildly narcissistic parents. My mom was raised by a mother who would have likely been deemed a very narcissistic person. My grandmother did not do well with empathy and love, she was unpredictable, and did not love my mother. She had children because it was

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30 Things, Allergies

Allergies Yyyeeeaaahhh… I have a lot of these. >_> Sinus and topical: ALL THE THINGS! Grass, trees, pollen. If it’s a plant, I’m allergic. Note: I am that person who sniffs the flowers and has a sneezing fit anyway because I’m going to stop and smell the damn roses! Some molds. Cats and dogs. Is owned by multiple cats, allergies be damned. Anything floral scented. This stuff wreaks havoc on my skin, and I will break out in hives or eczema. It also causes my sinuses to swell up. I had to leave the holiday festivities early because the trash bags we were stuffing wrapping paper into were scented. Latex. In addition to a mild allergic reaction, the smell makes me nauseous. Adhesives, only some, but my skin will slough off and become irritated. Medications: Welbutrin Penicillin/Amoxicillin Cephalosporins – Keflex Tylenol allergy and sinus Yeah, ironic-ish. It’s a bonding agent that I have trouble with. Vaccines Again, a bonding agent.

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30 Things, Favorite Food

Favorite Food Hmm. That’s tough. I don’t have a single favorite food, so I’ll list my top 5. Pizza! Sans tomato sauce because the acid bothers my GERD and IC. Cheese! I cannot do sharp/aged cheese, but I do love a good brie, mild cheddar, and smoked gouda. Dark Chocolate, enough said. Hashbrowns, chips, french fries. Mmmm potatoes. Red Radishes. They aren’t great for my GERD, IC, or IBS but I will still eat them on occasion because I love them so much. My diet is somewhat odd because I have to eat, or not eat, specific things to avoid flares of some of my health issues. Mainly the GERD, IC, and IBS. GERD – Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease IC – Interstitial Cystitis IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

30 Things, Age and Conditions

I’m going to be busy today and tomorrow so I’m doubling up. Happy Holidays! Day 2, Introduce your conditions If I had a dollar for everytime someone said, “You’re too young to be this sick!” Migraines Allergies/chronic rhinitis Tinnitus Complex PTSD/Anxiety/Depression/Mild OCD Arthritis (Osteo) Fibromyalgia Interstitial Cystitis Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder (Super PMS) IBS Eczema/contact dermatitis/atopic dermatitis GERD High possibility of mild narcolepsy and hip dysplasia (Not diagnosed, but the doctors suspect) Things I had in the past but are better after surgery/treatment Dysmenorrhea –  I had a partial hysterectomy which helped greatly Gastroparesis – It’s not gone, but it is better Gallstones – Surgery helped Tonsilitis – Had them out as an adult, not fun, but I have fewer sinus infections and fall ill far less often now Septoplasty with turbinate reduction – Fixed the deviated septum in my nose and shaved down the turbinates, I can breathe through my nose more easily Day 3, Age your

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30 Things About Me

A fellow (and more prolific) chronic illness blogger posted this as a way to challenge herself, and others, to blog more. These challenges are a great way to stay motivated and productive. You can find her blog here. 30 days and 30 posts! My answers will be at the end of the list. I am not able to do one a day so I’m renaming this challenge for myself. 1. Introduce yourself 2. Introduce your conditions 3. Age your symptoms began 4. Favorite food 5. Allergies 6. Hobbies 7. Your pain level 8. Distraction 9. Relief 10. Morning medications 11. Night medications 12. Guilty pleasure 13. Sleep outfit 14. Temperature you are comfortable at 15. A comfort item 16. A daily struggle 17. An achievement 18. Who/what keeps you going 19. Something your disability has taken from you. 20. Something you have gained because of your disability that you are grateful for. 21. Who/what inspires you. 22. Favorite helpful product

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Still Healing

I’m still recovering from breaking my arm and spraining my wrist. I am not able to type a lot in one sitting. I found this on Board Panda today and felt the advice should be shared far and wide. It’s simple but powerful for those facing depression. Another excellent blogger did something beautiful for a friend having a hard time. She created a series of letter to “Open when” her friend is having a hard time, or needs inspiration, or even good times like it being a lovely day. You can view her post about it here.