Crazy Busy + Health

Hallo! Thank you for your patience! I am still kicking! Mostly. I’ve had a lot going on. During one of my conventions in July, I caught the nasty flu that was going around and ended up sick in bed for a while after the con. After that, the smoke from the numerous fires going on wiped me out for a long while (I ended up buying some heavy duty air purifiers to help). I started classes again and have also been looking to move into a bigger home. The humans I live with have been causing me a large amount of emotional labor, and my health has flared up several times as well. It’s been a busy (and draining) summer! I have a list of topics to blog about for you, and I’m slowly working my way through them as I have time and energy. From air quality to scheduled date nights, how I feel about being seen as intimidating,

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